"Kitty" has a new, slightly larger box (getting ready for the family)! She's quite comfortable in there!!! Tober, though inside, doesn't miss much and watches out for Kitty. She still 'challenges' her through the glass! If she could just get to her, she'd show her who's boss! Kitty is VERY friendly, so she must have grown up around people. As a former OB/GYN Nurse Practitioner, I'm down to checking for 'quickening' (fetal movement) on my critters! And yes, we're definitely expecting kittens sometime in the next few weeks.
Easter greetings from Olney, where Kitty's agrowin', Tober's abossin', Sheba's apacin' or asleepin', Sam's adancin' and achewin', Eeyore's ahealin', and Doc's the alpha horse!! I hope your Easter is a blessed one as we celebrate that He lives and blesses us every day.
You know, once you give Kitty a name you're gonna have to keep her.
Oh- In our horribly long wait at the airport, John got to feel the "quickening" of his son!! He just felt it once but now he's always poking and prodding my belly in hopes of another feel. Glad you had a good Easter! I'm mildly jealous of the speed of kitty's pregnancy.
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