a STILL WIGGLING tail of some sort of reptile. As you can see, it was IN the house. The big question? Where's the front part of the tail which has the head attached and will live on or should I say slither on??? And what does the rest of it look like? Where did she come across it?? I didn't want to find the rest on, in or under the couch or slithering over my bare toes in the kitchen!!! So the big hunt was on!! We searched all over the house, room by room, and out on the patio. Finally on the second round of looking (in case it was a snake!!) we found a lizard on the patio - without a good bit of his tail.
(pictured right is his brother)
The good news???
2. We found the owner of the tail, and not IN the house.
3. Luckily the tail 'broke' off or Tober would have had fresh lizard dinner. Besides, he'll grow a new tail!!!
Geez, the little guy in the last picture sure grew his tail back fast...
I guess my take home message is tober actually ventured somewhere where little kitty could've beaten her butt! I'm not sure if I admire her courage or pity her stupidity!
Actually Tober was on the back screened in porch and the skink (that's what that kind of lizard is called, I'm told)came in. Kitty can't get in there, but if she comes around while Tober is out there, after an exchange of loud growls, Tober will come in and wait till Kitty is gone, and will watch from around the corner where she thinks Kitty can't see her. And Snakey: the one without the tail found a hole in the porch floor to hide in before I could grab the camera, so I had to settle for his brother. : )
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