Saturday, April 11, 2009


Little Kitty doesn't miss a chance to kick Tober's butt!!! When Little Kitty first came she was a polite friendly Kitty that resided mostly on the back porch. But Tober, seeing her out on the porch would get pretty 'put out' and growl through the glass and bite on the wood frame to show Little Kitty what she'd like to do if she could just get through that glass!! NOW, Tober's rather 'laisez faire' but Little Kitty says 'point taken' and looks for her opportunities!! Yesterday was pretty windy and the directionality of the wind would blow the screen door ajar enough that she could get her paw in there and sneak through the door! AHA!! Where's that *#@** cat???? A one-sided cat fight ensued! Mike came to Tober's rescue and grabbed Little Kitty by the scruff to throw her out. All I heard was the cat fight and the LOUD scamper of chunky cat diving under the bed. Then Mike came in dripping blood from Kitty's response! She can be very fierce when 'tangled' with!! She bit BOTH of Mike's hands trying to get free - piercing skin with all 4 canines and probably nicking a vein! It's a good thing she's the OUTSIDE cat!
Now Tober gets to watch Kitty's comings and goings from a safe distance since Kitty moved her kittens from the front porch yesterday. THREE times we had to rescue them from behind the shelves in the back of the garage! That was obviously her first choice place to stash them! Finally she accepted the box on the side porch, her usual training grounds for the other two litters.


Cheyenne and John said...

Whoa- that's worse than I thought.. Was Tober bleeding at all?

Snakeye said...

cat bites suck - painful because there's something in their saliva that just makes them fester.