Friday, November 8, 2013

Tupholme Abbey

Not far from Horncastle (where Travis and Pam live) there are quite a few ruins.  We hunted for one abbey ruin, but it was too gone to find out in the middle of a farm field and we didn't know what to expect until we googled it.  So we gave up in search of this Abbey... Tupholme Abbey:
(any of the pictures can be double clicked on to see full screen)
Above is what they think it looked like in its hayday!!!  Impressive!  But this is what's left:
From the backside:
Evidence of caved in walls....

and some of the detail is worth seeing.  It amazes me what's gone and what is preserved in some spots.  The photo below these two is a favorite and really shows the old aged crumbly stone detail.

This area of England is called the Wolds (which is rolling hills) and this will give you a sense of the Wolds.... complete with hedges to separate fields and roads and everything else.  There are hedges everywhere!!!!! (You definitely want to double click on this one!)

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