Sunday, October 5, 2008

Snakes and snails and kitty cat tails...

Sam just gained some status in our family of furries! Last night he was barking at something, not just a bark at the kittens or at distant coyote calls, but a more immediate slithery something. So Mike went out with the flashlight to see what the fuss was all about, and found Sam and the kitties (Mia and Mitzi) around the side of the house contemplating how to rid the yard of a rattlesnake!! Our first since we moved in 1 year ago!! So Mike came in and retrieved his snake gun while Sam and company kept it from slithering away, and Mike gave that viper a taste of the snake gun. He didn't like it too much, and in fact didn't survive the assault. So here's Mike with his prize: Interestingly, upon looking up about rattlesnakes, I learned that when they're young, they can shed their skin up to 3 times that first year, so you can't count the rattles and determine their age exactly. My newly educated guess is that this snake is likely a couple or 3 years old. Did you know they can live 20 - 30 years (in captivity)? Here, if they wander into the yard or nearby, they won't have the chance!

As for kittendom, at 3 weeks and 2 days, their world is growing! The first explorers are 2 sisters, inviting the others to come out and play:
Speaking of which, playing is a new activity when not sleeping which still takes up a lot of their daytime.
(As you can see, "Tiny" has a little growing to do to catch up with his sisters and brother. He's too small to join the fray right now.)
Mama has been moving them around lately. One night she moved them from the pet carrier to the cardboard box, and the next night she took them under the porch. We're expecting a storm tonight, so I put them back in the pet carrier (if she'll leave them there till after the storm). They're starting to exhibit personality!
Don't kid yourself, Mom has eyes in the back of her head - she KNOWS what's going on!!! Hmmmmm, what's this?


Anonymous said...

What'd you use to get the snake?

Cheyenne and John said...

Is that first snake picture from you?? It's a good pic.. but I don't like the look of it's posture- looks like he's about to strike! I hope Sam kept his distance from that wound up snake! The kittens sure are cute lil fur balls!

Anonymous said...

I used my little 4-10 Snake Gun

kevin laing said...

you know mrs. winslow one day i'd like to visit the ranch but...after seeing those snake pictures i'm now on the bubble.I DONT DO SNAKES,I DONT LIKE SNAKES,I HATE SNAKES.Kidding but not really,anyway talk to you soon KEV

Mike and Judi Winslow said...

Kevin, For what it's worth, it's the first rattlesnake we've seen in over a year!! We've seen a few other snakes (beneficial sorts) around (though NOT IN the yard), so most days you'd be free from seeing snakes. I'd say you could visit 362 days out of the year! Just pick carefully! :)